Interview FAQs: What are your interests, hobbies, and passions?

Most of the aspirants are muddled in categorizing their activities as hobbies, interests, or passions. Most of the time, they have the same answer for all these three different brackets. In this post, I'll clear some air, so that everyone could accurately position their activities in the correct bracket. I'll also shed some light on the other aspects of this question. Hence, make sure to read the entire post. Why do panelists want to know your interests, hobbies, and passions? Look! Every institute or employment wants diversity in terms of gender, academics, culture, and also talent. The more variety and heterogeneity an organization or institute has, the better it is for them to keep attracting more talented people. It makes sure that the institute doesn't diminish its value in terms of talent. They also want to know if you are an interesting, creative, or enthusiastic person. An idiosyncratic person with some unique qualities is always valued more and therefore is prefe...